“Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them…When Peter saw him, he asked, ‘Lord, what about him?’ Jesus answered, ‘If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.'”
~John 21:20-22 NIV
We all wonder if we are somebody special. Someone else’s life always seems more exciting than ours.
We are creatures of habitual comparison.
Like Peter in John chapter 21, I recently compared and questioned God. Then I doubted. Then I became worried. The emotions of jealousy, anger, and sadness soon followed. Yes, it was a very bad day. God allowed my spiral downward, because He needed me to settle something…
“God will take you at your word; if you absolutely sell yourself to be His slave, He will wrap you up in a jealous love and let other people say and do many things you cannot. Settle it forever; you are to deal directly with the Holy Spirit, He is to have the privilege of tying your tongue or chaining your hands or closing your eyes in ways which others are not dealt with.
~Hudson Taylor, A Higher Calling
I love this quote. God is using it to remind me of the simple command Jesus gave to Peter: Follow me.
I sense that God is whispering: Do not concern yourself with what others around you have or achieve. I have willed something different for you. Your focus is to remain on me. So settle this forever child…this life is always going to seem unfair, because you cannot see or know the things that I see or know. Trust that I see you, that I notice you. Tracy, follow me. Keep your focus on ME.
Perhaps He is whispering the same to you today too…
Lord, forgive us for comparing. Fill us with contentment in our current season. Remind us that You see us. Replace the idols of success, possessions, or relationships in our lives with worship of You alone. Thank You for wrapping us up in Your love. We desire to follow You alone. In Jesus’ name, amen.
***I found this quote in, God Am I Nobody?, an insightful devotional written by Sheryl Young. Sheryl combines the wisdom of Hudson Taylor, an English missionary to China, with various Scriptures to address the question God Am I Nobody? I highly recommend this devotional if you currently feel unfulfilled, or that life is passing you by. I just finished reading it and was greatly encouraged by it. You can buy this devotional on Amazon.com.
So good! And truly SUCH a common struggle. I am actually speaking on the dangers of comparison at my church tomorrow night…not because I have it all together in this area, but because I know full well how hard this battle is. And I was feeling a little doubtful about my topic, about if I really needed to address it. God has sweetly shown me through your post and one someone sent me yesterday that YES, this is a topic we as women need to talk about, be aware of, and surrender fully to Him.
So thankful we can trust His love for us, His plans for us, and how He created us!
Much love to you! Thanks for sharing!
Kim-blessings as you speak tomorrow! I know God will be with you and will help you. I read 3 other blogs this morning-and they were ALL on comparison. I think the Lord is trying to get my attention :). This is something that women of all ages/stages deal with. Lord help us to continually focus on your goodness and faithfulness! Blessings Kim, and please let me know how tomorrow goes…
Thanks so much for mentioning my pocket-size devotional God, Am I Nobody, Tracy! Finding Hudson Taylor’s “A Higher Calling” was a divine appointment, and really convicted me to want God’s will over my own plans for success!
Thank you Sheryl for studying the Scriptures and for writing such an inspiring devotional! God bless your ministry for His glory!!!
and I will add another AMEN to yours 🙂
It’s so easy to compare isn’t it. Thanks for the reminder. Putting on blunders and following again. We need this every so often. Hugs!
Like I mentioned in another comment, it seems like everything I read has something to do with comparison/contentment. Looking back on several recent conversations I’ve had with women around me-this is really a struggle! Praying hearts are refocused and encouraged today. God bless 🙂
* funny* I meant blinders.
no worries, when I was involved in youth ministry, I told my HS students to wear blinders all the time…but for different reasons of course (ahem). I knew what you meant my friend 🙂
Wow Tracy! You are so right. Our hearts were in the same place today! Thank you for this truth, friend!
I also love how God does that. Sometimes He places flashing signs in my path so I “get it.” Blessings Eileen, aka Wonderwoman 🙂
Tracy, I can so relate…. But on the flip side – what do we do with those that have this problem with “us?”. My two siblings have a lot of resistment and comparison problems with me, my husband, kids, marriage, being first born, etc. I did not choose what I have or to be first born, etc…. I and my family simply walk a better line and choose a Christian path. They do not…. It’s like they choose to compare and blame others for their problems instead of turning them over to Him. I learned long ago that when you focus on God and put Him first – everything falls into place. No need for resistment…. And when there is a “fail” – Faith gets you through it. Thanks for reminding me of this! Blessings. J
“resentment”. Crazy iPad keyboard. Lol
Julie-I appreciate your honesty and the question you posed in your comment: “what do we do with those that have this problem with us?”. I LOVE them, ENTRUST them and the relationship outcome to God (meaning I try to let go and not try to control it/obsess about it), and I try to LIVE PEACEFULLY with them (Romans 12:17-19 has really helped me in regards to this). And you are right, whenever I fail-I get back up and my faith most certainly sustains. Praying for you Julie. God bless you…
Oh no worries! You should see some of my text messages that auto corrected and confused the recipient…lol. Only grace here my friend! 🙂