I would like to introduce you to my friend Bridgit Smith. Her bio reads “…while small in stature, {she} is enormous in heart.” I can attest that this is true of Bridgit. We have connected because we are passionate about helping teen girls and women enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Please join me over on her ministry website: Broken Bits. Mosaic Miracles where I share about a miracle that happened to me several years ago. Click here to read my post: Giving my spotlight to the Son.
To God be the glory! There are no small parts…
Hey Girl!
Thanks for sharing another piece to your story! We ARE His leading ladies… that truth is so good! ~ Blessings out today sister Tracy, Amy 🙂
Thank you Amy for joining me over at Bridgit’s ministry site. After all these years, God’s message to me in that beautiful letter still encourages me! Praising God for placing His dreams into my heart…there are no small parts. To God be the glory!:)
That brought me to tears. What a gift to give a girl! You are right- there are no small parts. Mothers can be this to their daughters, friend to friend, stranger to stranger. I love Gods plan. This was perfect for me today as I was feeling burdened for an acquaintance. She has been medicating herself for depression and I was told she was in the hospital yesterday for personal issues. I went to bed thinking of her and suicide popped into my mind- then I was compelled to get up and send her note of prayer & some encouraging scripture at 1 am. I am now encouraged to more boldly approach her and pray with her.
Kelley-thank you for sharing what God has laid on your heart. We just never know how or when God will use us to encourage someone else. May God give you the right words as you miniister to your friend. There are no small parts in God’s perfect plan-praise Him!
Thanks Tracy for directing people my way!! Merry Christmas! ~b
You are welcome sister! Thank YOU for letting me share my heart and what God has done in my life. There are no small parts…Blessings 🙂