It’s my joy and honor to spread messages of hope and inspiration to women over the internet, iTunes, or airwaves. I’d love to team up with you – let’s connect!
Official Bio
Tracy Steel graduated from Kansas State University with a BS in interior design and has a master’s degree in biblical and theological studies from Phoenix Seminary. Moving from one type of interior design to another, Tracy then worked in full-time youth ministry, serving as the Director of Female Students and most recently as the Associate Minister to Women at Scottsdale Bible Church. God’s true design for Tracy now involves improving the interior space of the hearts and minds of women around her.
This military wife and mother of two enjoys speaking at women’s ministries events nationwide and enjoys serving women locally via various ministries within Christ’s Church of the Valley. Tracy also serves on the board of LIFT, a Phoenix wide ministry for Women’s Ministry Leaders, and is also the Co-founder of My Only Aim & Every Life Ministries Director of Leader Development, which exist to help women and ministry leaders deepen their faith and increase their impact within their homes, churches, and communities.
Tracy is also the author of A Redesigned Life: Uncovering God’s Purpose When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned and Images of His Beauty.

Listen to a Speaking Sample Audio

A Redesigned Life
We all love great design. Beauty. Simplicity. Color. Balance. But what happens when we discover we are living a life we did not design? When our dreams lie in tatters and nothing is going according to our carefully laid-out plans? Where is God in the midst of the mess?
Drawing from time-honored design principles such as movement, contrast, and pattern, Bible teacher and former interior designer Tracy Steel offers you the assurance that God is the ever-present, caring Designer of your life, and that he remains true to his plans and purposes in every season—especially the messy ones. Through biblical examples and true stories from her own experience, Tracy will help you recognize God’s purposeful design in your life so you can experience peace and contentment even when life doesn’t go as planned.
For all PR inquiries related to A Redesigned Life, please contact:
Brianna DeWitt | bdewitt at | 616.676.9185 x395.
Build Your Best Family with Kimberly Amici
Episode 76: What To Do When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned with Tracy Steel
What happens when you find you are not living the life you designed? That’s the question today’s guest Traci Steel will be answering as we talk about her new book A Redesigned Life: Uncovering God’s Purpose When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned.
Feeling a little off-balance is the norm this busy time of year! Most of us try to correct quickly, but what if there’s actually a gift embedded in that uncomfortable feeling? Amy and Cheri talk about how “wobbly” has been a catalyst for growth and forward movement in their lives at just the right moments. Listen in today to unwrap one of the best gifts in store for you this season!
The Love Offering with Rachel Adams
Celebrating and catalyzing extraordinary givers
500 Seconds to Joy with Stephanie
What happens when life doesn’t go as planned? My guest Tracy Steel is sharing how God will redesign your life. God will breathe life into those broken parts of your life. Tracy is the author of “A Redesigned Life: Uncovering God’s Purpose When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned”. Tracy has so much encouragement to share with you from living a life that turned out differently than she planned & how she found God’s goodness in the midst of it all. I’m so excited for you to hear from Tracy today in Part 1 of our conversation!
500 Seconds to Joy with Stephanie
In Part 2 of my conversation with guest Tracy Steel, she will encourage anyone who is doubting God & will provide a very simple action step for you today. I know you will be so encouraged by Tracy’s beautiful message of faith and trust. Tracy is the author of “A Redesigned Life: Uncovering God’s Purpose When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned.”
Walk It Out with Tricia Goyer
How does God redesign a life? That’s what we talk about today on Walk it Out with our guest, and my real-life friend, Tracy Steel.
Clutter Free Academy Podcast with Kathi Lipp
We are all living a life we didn’t design. In this episode, Kathi chats with Tracy Steel, author of A Redesigned Life: Uncovering God’s Purpose When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned, about how to apply a designer’s eye to see the work God is doing in your life, when things don’t go according to plan.
Leah, MOPS Discussion Group Coordinator
Lynn Cowell, author of Make Your Move and speaking and writing team member of Proverbs 31 Ministries
Ashleigh, Youth Ministry Worker
Amanda, Youth Ministry Worker
Shannon, Women's Ministry Leader
Other Media Appearances
Real Victory Radio with Amy Elaine
None of us are living the life we designed, but this week’s guest, Tracy Steel, helps us to see how we can trust God to redesign our lives and make them so much more beautiful than we could have imagined!
Join us for more insight and chit chat about Tracy’s new book, “A Redesigned Life: Uncovering God’s Purpose When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned.”
Army Wife Talk Radio
We married our military man and made some plans. Then those plans changed, and they changed again. What’s a military spouse to do? Our next guest believes we need to look for some plaid and paisley, that’s what we’re to do! Join retired interior designer and {almost retired} military spouse, Tracy Steel, for the secret to staying sane whenever military life doesn’t go as planned. After years of redesigning women’s homes with fabrics and paint, Tracy’s now in the business of redesigning women’s hearts with hope and encouragement. Tune in to hear Tracy discuss her newest book, A Redesigned Life, and her tips for “sticking to the pattern” in the midst of all the deployments and moving boxes.
Dottin the i
“Dottin the i” is a radio talk show featuring today’s Christian writers – bringing you insightful, intuitive, intriguing interviews. Featured guests, from all walks of life, share how God is directing their path.
The one-hour talk show features Christian authors from Baker Publishing Group and Revell Books, sharing their stories and passion of what God has laid on their hearts. Host Ivy Donavan talks with authors from across the country, sharing information meant to inspire your life!
Moody Radio, Ken and Deb in the Morning
Has your life turned out the way you planned? What do we do when our dreams lie in tatters and plans in the trash heap? Tracy Steel shares how God is in the midst of the mess and we can trust his plans and purposes for our life. God has put together two of Tracy’s passions as a template for sharing this message and we’ll hear about what she has learned from interior design that helped her process what God was doing.
Jesus Calling
As I slid my bag onto seat 28E, I uttered, “Lord, just get me there!” I made small talk with the stranger beside me and felt the familiar nervous flutters in my stomach that come whenever I travel. Several hours later and 30,000 feet above the Midwestern plains, I let out a relieved chuckle as I crunched stale airline pretzels and sipped bubbly ginger ale…
Christian Parenting
I can still remember how their voices giggled as they talked about the babies growing inside of them. I faked a smile as I listened to my friends discuss the pros and cons of store-bought versus homemade baby food.
I was single at the time—the thought of having a baby made me anxious. My friends wanted to marry and have families of their own. Having a career outside of the home was not the desire of their hearts.
Christian Today
All of us are living a life we did not design, but one that God is redesigning for us. Like a human interior designer or artist uses a set of design principles to help them create, God uses his own set of codes to create a couture life for each of us. Recognizing what these are is key to uncovering the purposes of God when life doesn’t go as planned.
Ann Voskamp
Death rarely inconvenienced me or made its presence known in my life while I was growing up.
I’d always heard about death, of course, and knew it was something that happens to all of us.
But for the most part I didn’t give death much thought …
Topeka Capital Journal Newspaper
When Tracy Steel was a teenager in the mid-1990s and working at her parents’ Christian bookstore at West Ridge Mall in Topeka, she likely had no idea that she one day would be the author of a book that would be sold at similar stores across the nation.
But that is exactly what happened with the release of her…