A 10-week Bible Study for young women desiring to find hope and healing in Jesus Christ.
We have been lied to as young women. Beauty is not what you think it is. As a result, we are transitioning into womanhood with broken hearts and broken minds.
If you are tired of trying to be noticed or accepted, of trying another hairstyle or workout program, this study is meant for you. If you have struggled with self defeating thoughts or eating disorder tendencies and are discouraged, this study was written with you in mind.
As one who has personally struggled in this way, Tracy Davis Steel, former ballerina and youth ministry worker, can relate to you. She has written a concise yet powerful 10-week Bible study that will challenge and inspire, enabling you to find ultimate hope and healing through Jesus Christ.
Join her as she examines what the Bible says about your: true identity, ability to overcome, source of healing, and unique God-given beauty. You will enjoy “Jottin” down your journey with God on the journal pages provided, and will find encouragement as you memorize and personalize the very Bible passages that brought hope and healing to Tracy’s own heart and mind.
Images of His Beauty also comes complete with a facilitator’s guide containing all the information and training materials needed for youth workers, pastors, and lay counselors to begin an Images of His Beauty support group for young women desiring to overcome their eating disorder.
For more information on the study, please read Tracy’s blog post “Images of His Beauty: Finding Hope and Healing in Jesus Christ”. Images of His Beauty is available for purchase on Amazon.com.
A special note to younger women:
Whether or not you choose to walk through God’s Word with me, I pray that you take the following to heart. If you struggle with your self esteem, please talk to a trusted adult who can pray with you and who can teach you what the Bible says about you and your significance in Jesus Christ. If you are a young woman who is suffering from an eating disorder, I beg you to seek help from a Pastor or Christian counselor. Please seek help. You are precious, loved, and your life matters. You are not an eating disorder. You are a child of God, made in His image.
Be encouraged, for I have also struggled with my self esteem, and with how my body is made. I was a ballerina for 20 years, and have felt the pressure of trying to weigh a certain amount. I too have felt the sting of rejection, and have had to embrace failed dreams.
Life is hard, but it is not hopeless. Jesus died on the cross for you and for me to ensure that this is true!
Finally, precious one, Images of His Beauty is not your cure. Jesus Christ is your cure. This study was created to point you to Him. No matter what you choose to do next, I pray that you will cling to Jesus Christ for the rest of your life. I assure you, He never disappoints.
If you have or are currently going through Images of His Beauty in an individual or support group format, we would love to hear your feedback. Let us know how God worked in your life throughout the ten weeks. If you would like to advertise your upcoming IOHB support group, send us the dates, time, location, and contact information so other girls in your area can join and find continued healing and hope through Jesus Christ too.
Additional Resources: If you are actively engaging in eating disorder behaviors, we encourage you to seek help and support from a Christian Counselor or treatment facility. Here are some additional resources that may be able to help you:
National Eating Disorders Association www.nationaleatingdisorders.org
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc. www.anad.org
Focus on the Family www.focusonthefamily.com
His Mansion Ministries www.hismansion.com