I am attempting to read through all 66 books of the Bible this year. Whenever I am challenged or encouraged by a particular word, verse, or passage, I will share it with you. Welcome to my “66 in 1” series…
One of my favorite New Testament passages is Mark 9:14-29. Here, we learn about a distraught father and a disappointed crowd. They wanted a healing; not the Healer. Jesus’ disciples tried to heal the demon possessed child, but failed. So the crowds rushed Jesus, thirsty for another miracle. Knowing this, Jesus turned His attention upon the desperate father. Their brief encounter led to this:
“Immediately, the father of the child cried out and said, ‘I believe; help my unbelief!’ ”
Mark 9:23-24 ESV
The father’s request changed everything. Jesus heard and responded. Evil lost its grip once again, and a son was set free.
Am I much different?
I look at the people mentioned throughout the Gospel accounts and wonder: how can they not understand who Jesus is? Why is being in His presence simply not enough?
Despite my weighty study Bible, stacks of Bible studies, commentaries, and Christian CDs—I am often like the people mentioned above. Why is this?
I often thirst for a word. I need to thirst for the Word instead.
Please note that when I write the phrase a word above, I am not denying the necessity or power of the Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16) I believe that we must meditate and feast on Scripture daily. I am not negating Bible studies, Christian music, mentoring, Christian books, or Sunday sermons either. They play an important part in equipping and maturing us.
At some point, I have to stop and simply BE with God. At some point, I have to turn the music off, put down my Bible highlighter, and look into the face of my Savior and say: I believe, please help my unbelief!
Be encouraged
We have direct access to Jesus just like the father in Mark chapter 9. Jesus was enough for him. Is Jesus enough for you? Confess your unbelief- Jesus will hear. Evil will lose its grip once again. You will be set free like the father’s son mentioned above.
Help us to believe Jesus.
*this post has been adapted from my archives. It originally appeared as a guest post I wrote for the blog: Note to Self: Daily Reminders from God by Tristine Fleming.
This totally reminds me of this hymn: Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light off His glory and grace.
You’re so right my friend! We sometimes have to be still in the midst of our Bible Study busy-ness and bask in the presence. Giving God a chance to be real to us.
Kela- I love that hymn and thank you for reminding me of its truth! May you sense God’s “realness” this week my friend 🙂
I wrote about my unbelief today. My unbelief that who He created me to be is enough. I’ve struggled with a low self-esteem and bulimia for many years. So I was intrigued by your book. More for younger women? (I’m almost 45!)
Love your beautiful heart.
Hi Beth~ I will hop over to your place next and check out what your wrote. God always gives you such beautiful messages. And I do remember that you struggled with your eating for many years. Praising God for bringing you this far in the healing process. Yes, Images of His Beauty was originally written for teen/young adult- but I am hearing more and more from older women that the verses and journaling exercises in it challenged and encouraged them as well. The beautiful thing about God’s Word is that is applicable to everyone no matter what age or stage… your copy is on its way! Praying for continued hope and healing for you. You are beautiful and you are loved!