I mentioned recently that our son, Jackson, is into the movie Star Wars. For Halloween, he wants to be Darth Vadar. I would rather dress him up like the good guy, Luke Skywalker. However, whenever we read from the Gospel of Luke, Jackson says “oh, I like Luke- he carries a light saber around.” So all is not lost… whew.
I trust Jackson will figure out that he has the wrong Luke eventually. I trust that, as his understanding of Scripture increases, he will correct his false impression of whom the Luke mentioned in Scripture is. I want him to grow and mature into a man that glorifies God. So I am going to continue to teach and help him to learn about the Word of God as his mind matures and understands more.
As I reflect on Jackson’s humorous comment, I feel convicted. I too approach the Word of God with a childlike perspective sometimes. I read it from my limited perspective. I become frustrated with passages I do not understand. My sinful nature beckons me to twist the meaning of a verse around, so it says what I want it to say and so I do not have to obey my Heavenly Father.
Like my son, I need to mature in my understanding of Scripture. I need to study it and prayerfully seek to understand it. This takes time, discipline, and desire on my part. And yes, studying the Bible can be intimidating. Nonetheless, I am accountable for what I say about the Word of God to you and to my children (see James 3:1- this verse strikes fear in my heart every time I read it).
The ability for me to glorify God is at stake…
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
~2 Timothy 2:15 NIV
God has chosen to show His glory through us and knows His glory is at stake. One of the ways we glorify Him is in how we share and apply the Scriptures in our lives. For this reason, God will not leave us stuck and frustrated. The Holy Spirit will continually teach us and reveal more to us as we are able to comprehend it.
For instance, have you ever re-read a verse in the Bible for the second, fourth, or tenth time and finally been able to understand it? Perhaps you are encouraged or convicted by a verse that did not jump out at you the first time you read it. Then you are growing up spiritually. The Spirit is moving you onward from a four year old Star Wars perspective. He also uses Bible studies/Bible study tools, suffering, answered or unanswered prayers, and the testimonies of others to enforce or illuminate the truths of Scripture.
So keep reading Scripture and pray for a deeper understanding of it. We cannot remain looking at Scripture through 4 year old eyes. Like Jackson, we must allow the Holy Spirit to correct our understanding. The Luke in Scripture is most certainly not Luke Skywalker.
Excited to link up with Woman to Woman today!
Tracy, you are so true. We want our kids to mature in their faith and knowledge of the Word, but we need to as well. It’s an ongoing learning process. We will never “arrive” this side of Heaven.
Thank you for linking up with Woman to Woman’s Word Filled Wednesday!
Thank you for your comment Jenifer! You are right, we will never arrive- that is what I love about the Word of God. Those who keep digging deeper and deeper into it will find that its treasures are limitless…