Welcome back to the second half of our discussion on “competition.” Yesterday I mentioned my slight obsession with college football. 🙂 Now that I am a mom, I am realizing that my reaction to the “wins” and “losses” of life is important since Jackson and Katie are watching my crazy football fan behavior.
As my own children take to the track, field, court, or stage, how can my competitive nature honor God? I began our discussion by sharing what God honoring competition is not. If you missed yesterday’s post, you can read it by clicking here.
Today, I am back over at Whatever Girls sharing about what God Honoring Competition is.
“Whether our daughter wins or loses, is not the point. Glorifying God and drawing our daughters closer to Him is the point. Competition is a part of life, and it is another God ordained opportunity for you both to grow closer to Him.”
P.S. Don’t you think I should buy a pair of these heels? Go CATS!