Friends are a blessing, aren’t they? I enjoy having some of mine share their hearts with you here on the blog. Today’s post is written by another amazing woman who I am honored to call a friend. Kelli Wommack is passionate about living her life for an audience of One. She has inspired and encouraged me with her wisdom and prayer support. I can’t wait for you to meet her!
So here’s Kelli…
Several years ago I was in a hotel room getting ready to speak at a women’s retreat. The bathrooms were outfitted with this incredibly large magnifying mirror. I am sure that many a woman found the mirror helpful when applying makeup… I found it horrifying to see all the little details about my face I had never seen before!
I noticed wrinkles, pores, scars, and spots – nothing terribly unusual, but small changes in my face that I had not had the privilege of noticing prior to the date with the colossal mirror with super amplification. (Perhaps the fact that I have really poor eyesight explains this phenomenon as well.)
The process of aging and dying begins as soon as we are born. But we have hope, because just as our physical bodies are decaying, our spiritual lives are being made new… day-by-day-by-day.
2 Corinthians 4:16–17 says:
“We do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”
Though sometimes I have to admit that I focus more on the physical decay than I do the spiritual renewal. In the same way that the gigantic mirror revealed the outward changes in my face, sometimes I need God to reveal how He is changing my heart. I can often get bogged down and anxious and overwhelmed when I face a difficulty that I have already faced before. You know, when you feel like you are learning a life lesson for the 8,613th time? “Haven’t we already been here, God?” “Why can’t I seem to learn this lesson?” I struggle with whether or not I am truly being renewed day by day. I still seem to wrestle with the same issues over and over again and I feel defeated and certainly not transformed.
In my weak moments of doubt, God magnifies the small ways He is changing me. I love that Tracy reminds us on her blog that God is transforming us into His likeness… one degree at a time. I am utterly impatient and I want to see the 180-degree turnarounds, and fail to notice the one degree of change He is slowly, but eternally making in me. I am the object of His renewal – He loves me and He is transforming the quality of my heart. Qualitative changes are a process.
- Like when I get angry with my child… and I don’t yell.
- Or when I want to give a rebuttal to a statement from my husband… and I refrain.
- Like when I desire to take credit for something that I did… and I don’t mention it.
- Or when I want to retaliate… and I respond in kindness instead.
One degree at a time God is changing me, making me new, transforming me to look like Him, reflect His character, and reveal His power. Even if I don’t see it. Perhaps I just need a super amplification mirror for my heart.
God, show us Yourself. Reveal to us how you are making us new. Amplify the details of our transformation so that we may glorify You.
What about you? Do you struggle with the same life lessons again and again? Do you sometimes doubt the renewal process in your life? Trust that God is making all things new… one degree at a time.
About the Author
Kelli is a motivational speaker, writer, and blogger and loves seeing people reach their full potential in Christ. In her role as Serve Minister at Christ Community Church in Georgia, she has the awesome privilege of rallying others to find their unique place of ministry. Her favorite home team includes her loving, funny, yet quiet husband, and her two loving, funny, and not so quiet children.
Connect with Kelli:
Great post today! Those uber-magnifying mirrors are so…revealing. But when God prompts our spirits with realities of how we are beginning to reflect Him, it is truly beautiful and life-giving. Aaaah. Praising God for moments to reflect on His goodness today!
Kelli, so very blessed this day by your sharing here on Tracy’s blog site! We serve the Most Mighty Awesome Lord and there are times in my life that I totally forget that He is changing me One Degree at a Time, that He is loving on me in many ways that are not revealed to me or that I am so busy being what I think I am suppose to be, that I miss what HE is trying to reveal!
I am so very thankful for all He gives to each of us, even when He is working in my heart to make me more like Him! I went through a journey that started about 19 years ago in my life that I had no idea that I was beginning because I thought everything was very right and very perfect in my world. Yet, I had started down a path that I had no idea that I was on! Almost 8 years ago now I began a road of recovery that only our precious Lord could have orchestrated and He has continued to be faithful in His guidance and as I have continued to be faithful to my part, He is growing me into His person of Character that I Know beyond all doubt that my Lord is shining through me for others to see One Degree at a Time! Keep on Keeping on Kelli and Tracy! Our Lord is Good All the Time, through every difficult step of our journeys, He is there, He never leaves and He truly loves each of us way beyond what we can understand in this world in our finite minds and hearts! For that I am truly Grateful! Have a wonderful blessed day in HIM! His Love to you both and your families!
Ewww… super revealing mirrors. But yay! to God’s super revelation of His work in us! Thanks for reading and commenting. Miss you, friend.
Oh, TJ, your testimony inspires! God is evident in your life and I am thrilled that you are seeing Him at work in your life. Our journeys don’t make sense to us sometimes, but God is always there, always at work, transforming us to be like Him. Lovely comment.
Oh yes, I can relate to this. He builds our character in not-so-subtle ways sometimes. If we were just a little faster on the up-take we wouldn’t have to rewind or replay those lessons, eh? Thankful for God’s patience in my life.
Blessings to you Kelli,
Re-winding and replaying. Sometimes the cycle can seem never-ending. But we ARE learning… we are growing… He is refining us day by day.
Amen Dawn and Kelli! I am thankful for God’s refinement (though often painful) and for His patience. Ok, especially for His patience…sigh. Kelli: thank you for challenging and encouraging us today. Blessings my friend! 🙂
Kind of like “blindspots”… I’m not able to see what I still have need for unless given some eye opening opportunities. Kelli, this was great sister! Thanks for sharing her Tracy… love to you both! ~ Blessings out, Amy
Amy-love your comment about “blindspots.” So true sister! Blessings to you as well 🙂