We often talk about God’s grace, mercy, faithfulness, power, and love. When was the last time you thought about His independence?
Please join me in my living room today for some encouragement and conversation.
You need to know that:
God’s independence has everything to do with your significance
May you never forget that the independent God of the universe chose to create you. He doesn’t need anyone or anything, yet He wants your heart to love Him.
Your love for God moves the heart of God.
Blessings significant one,
“…giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.”
~Colossians 1:12, NIV
- Passages that mention God’s independence: Exodus 3:14, Job 41:11, Psalm 50:10-12; 90:2, Isaiah 46: 9-10, John 1:3, Romans 11:35-36, 1 Corinthians 8:6, and Revelation 4:11.
- In the Vlog I read from the book Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem, Inter-Varsity Press/Zondervan Publishers, 1994, pages 160-162.
Good Morning, As you are reading and sharing you have shed Much of His Light into my life this morning! I can be so very self-centered and I don’t even realize I am being that way. When you mentioned feeling guilty about finding my significance in everything else all around me except my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit moved in me to realize that I do that way too much in my life! Being our Lord’s cup bearer and allowing HIM to shine is exactly what I am going to strive to do today in day, right now! Again, so very blessed by your sharing! Love you! my dear sister and friend!
Thank you for your honesty and for your comment Tj. It is so easy to loose focus in our busy and LOUD world isn’t it? Even when we do, the Bible teaches that God is patient with us as we grow in our faith (Psalm 103) and I am thankful that His mercies/compassions are new every morning (Lamentations 3). So my prayer is that you will be able rest in how God sees you (based on what Scripture teaches) and praise Him today for being a Holy and independent God. Blessings my friend:)
You look so comfortable in front of the camera! Loved hearing your voice. 🙂 Truth-filled words. Love the reminder that God is the one who brings significance to us because of who He is. He chooses us and rejoices over us. Amazing.
Good morning my significant friend! Thank you for your comment.The more passionate I am about something, the more my limbs become animated-lol. I love talking about my God and am praising HIM for using His Word and WHO HE IS to encourage you today Eileen. Could you imagine what life for us would be like if God WAS NOT independent-yikes…Praising Him today for His independence!:)
Thanks for speaking God’s Word over us all today and realigning our perspective with Heaven. Powerful!
Thank you for your comment Dawn. I love how you said “realigning our perspective with Heaven”-beautiful reminder. I immediately thought of Colossians 3:2: ” Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Short verse=mega truth!I think seeing ourselves from God’s perspective (and guarding against our own pride)
applies here…Have a blessed day Dawn!
You are so beautiful. You speak with such grace and kindness. God’s fruits are so evident to me, while listening and watching you. Rejoice sister! YES, we are so significant, that’s just how He made us. That’s just how much He loves us! WOO-HOO, AND PRAISE HIM! ~ Blessings girl, Amy
Praise Him indeed! May your heart always listen to what GOD SAYS about you…
Have a blessed evening significant one, and thank you for your comment!
Tracy, what a blessing your comments were regarding The Alpha and Omega! As I was listening, I thought of how sometimes couples will introduce their spouse as my “significant” other. I will forever think my God thinks of me, of all His children, as His “significant” other! He doesn’t need us, yet loves us and wants us to love Him. We need Him, yet often times are guilty of acting as though we don’t love Him. I pray we all grow stronger today in our love for God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, and never forget that because of Him, we are significant. Love you my dear friend. Adele
I love how you brought marriage into your comment. Reminds me that the church is called the “Bride of Christ”…again pointing to our significance in Christ. Thank you for your comment Adele. Blessings my friend!
I love how you take these 2 topics and weave them together so beautiful. I love how you emphasize how we can bring such joy to God. Gosh, that seems to put my striving for all other things in the right perspective.
Thank you for joining me on my couch Jen 🙂 Praising God for how He encouraged your heart today. You are significant and dearly loved!